Sunday, December 2, 2012

We Joke about non joking matters

What happens at the end of the day
 when there is no one to confide in?

Some days even I can't stand myself
and if I can't who will. . .

I'm not someone who's easy to understand
(but who is? really)
but I've always believed
that as long as you understand yourself
everything will be ok

But lately I no longer know
i do what i do
i say what i say
i act this way
why i think thoughts that bring me down

I take the little things and praise them
blow them up to find happiness in them
the little things are the only things I have

but at the end of the day
it's not enough

always extremes
when I'm happy it's at the highest
and when im sad, it's at the lowest

there's no in between
and if there is, its a state of numbness
an awful state where I'm not happy
and im not sad
but confused

I call it "the medi-state"
so confused with who i am
what i am
what i do
what i say
what i think
that there is no place for sadness
and no place for happiness

a state of  self doubt
where I don't hate or love self
but question.
question everything
and try to form answers and theories
but non make sense

I wish someone could explain my self to